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Ian Kent Captures a Silver and Bronze Medal at Parapan Toronto 2015
For the past year, standing table tennis player Ian Kent has been on a dedicated mission: qualify for the 2016 Paralympic Games in Rio de Janeiro.

Canada’s Parapan table tennis star ready for another podium run
There was no Forrest Gump moment for table tennis athlete Ian Kent.
He didn’t see the 1994 film and immediately get hooked on the game because Kent and his family had a ping pong table at home long before the fictional character Forrest Gump — played by Tom Hanks — kept his eye on the ball.
Instead, the credit belongs to a man named Neville Brabrook, an all-around athlete who still competes in masters’ cycling at age 71 in Florida.

Ian Kent Featured in SportCaster Magazine
Reigning Parapan Am table tennis gold medalist Ian Kent has one message for his opponents: learn from your elders.
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